Multi player has been changed to Multiplayer, which is grammatically correct.
The join and leave messages on multiplayer will no longer appear as if the player typed it themselves.
Disconnect the player if the servers specified terrain was not found.
OK and cancel selector buttons are now larger, making it easier to click.
Resolved ODEF collision mesh crash with empty name, would show resource name must not be empty.
Resolved default_diesel_force.wav not being modulated, would cause remote players to experience loud engine sounds.
Restored nocast keyword in ODEF file format, resolves PSSM shadow glitches.
Fixed an issue where the last spawned vehicle wasn't cleared properly #2811.
The Selector will now close on terrain unload #2810.
Fixed an issue where the dashboard would not save the state of lights, bumping the file format version to 3 which now makes previous saves incompatible with this version #2795.
The OpenGL plugin has been disabled by default for Windows due to a reoccurring issue with AMD graphics cards #2798.
Fixed an issue with the Selector categories #2756.
Fixed an issue an issue with event types that would prevent races from starting correctly #2745.
Multiplayer labels have been remade and you can now hide other vehicles by going through Vehicles -> Hide #2760.
Added the ability to edit the key map through Main menu -> Controls #2797.
Fixed an issue where the survey map would appear black depending on the texture filtering #2797.
Added CLI arguments for Linux on #2757.
Fixed an issue with the '-enter' CLI argument #2787.
Added console and cVars bindings to AngelScript #2788.
Added ImGui bindings to AngelScript #2786.
Fixed an issue where materials would "clash" #2784.
Added 'getSectionConfig(' to 'BeamClass' for AngelScript #2778.
Added the ability for a wheel to have multiple detacher groups #2776.
Fixed an issue where certain keyboard shortcuts did not work in the Terrain Editor #2765.
Added Caelum time cycles, which can be adjusted or disabled through Settings -> Time of day #2789.
You can now adjust the height of waves through Settings -> Wave height #2763.
Added the ability to reload current terrain, can be done by Simulation -> Reload current terrain #2755.
Browsing the server list should also be made simpler with actual tabs and double-clicking a server to join #2748.
Browsing settings should be made simpler with actual tabs #2747.
Before loading a quick save, you'll be prompted #2746.
Fixed an issue where keyboard input would stop working if the mouse cursor was placed in a certain part of the screen #2741.